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Full Spectrum
Weed Vape Cart

0.5 ml 1 ml

300 600 RON

60 110 EUR

The small cart packs about 500 puffs and the equivalent of 5g of flower.

DMT Vape Cart

The small cart packs about 30 breakthroughs and it is highly recommended for solo travelers, those at the beginning, and people who like to have the maximum amount of control (lol) of a DMT trip.

0.5 ml 1 ml

600 1100 RON

120 220 EUR

**Exclusively at the Higherpath Store - you will not find these products anywhere else in Romania.
If we're honest, you won't be able to find this product in too many places on this continent. That is how you know that we are who we say we are - the best at what we do!

Repeat customers can access full catalogue

DMT Powder (WHITE)

2CB - 20mg


Loyal customers get access to more products. Ask us what we have in stock.


MDMA powder


How exactly does this work?

1.Click the Buy/Chat button

2.Telegram chat opens

3. Agree on details

4. Chat with us

5. ???

6. Get the drop

7. Profit!

Is this legal?

Absolutely fucking not. We pride ourselves with our OPSEC and 100% success rate, but you are responsible for your own safety and well being. If in doubt ask us, we will offer advice.

About Us

Aren't you tired of trying to have a proper party and you just don't have the right supplies!? Well today your curiosity led you to the solution - we are the best party supplies providers in Bucharest.

We know how hard it can be for expats, repats and foreigners to get a hold of a trusted supplier if you don't know "a friend of a friend", not to mention navigating the seedy landscape.

We specialize in delivering high quality products, with ninja stealth, while keeping everyone safe and the party going hard!

Untraceable payment, Dead Drop delivery, 100% Satisfaction, as easy as ordering pizza.

Get in Touch